Reparative plastic surgery

Servei Assistencial


Reparative plastic surgery provides territory service,its area of activity is not only the Hospital universitari of Girona Dr. Josep Trueta but also IAS, Hospital of Palamós and Hospital of Olot.

Plastic surgery is a surgical specialty that deals with the correction of all congenital process , adquired, tumoral or simply involutive,that needs repair or replacement , orthat  affects the shape and /or bodily function.

Their techniques are based on the  l trasplantation and  mobilitzation of tissue grafts and flaaps using implants or inert  material . 

Reparative plastic surgery tries to  restore or improve function and appareance in the accidents and injuries caused by burns, tumors and disesaes of the skin and tissues ceiling and congenital anomalies mainly in the face,hands,breast,genitals....

Location of the service:

Hospitalitzation fifht floor 5º planta
Outpatient first floor outpatien building (Tuesday, Thursday and Friday)

Secretariat telephone :   972940257


